Configuring HTTPD Server on Docker Container and setting up the python interpreter on docker container.

2 min readMar 29, 2021

In this article I want to explain how to configure httpd server on docker container .

Beside the normal way in docker container there are two changes with the normal linux operating systems.

They are:

  1. You don’t get “systemctl” command inside the docker container
  2. You have to enable patting for a specified port number while creating container for the httpd server

Here I will show how these changes are done….

Step 1:-

  • Pull the docker image from docker hub
  • Launch a container included with the patting of a port for the httpd web server , with the pulled image with the command →
  • “docker run -itd ‘image’:’version’ “ (here -d stands for detach)
  • And install httpd software with yum

Step 2:-

  • Add some data for testing into /var/www/html folder and save it

Step 3:-

  • Try to connect the container with the ip of the host operating system and with the given port number for the httpd server.

That’s all our web server is ready.


→ Nothing different from normal centos operating system

→ Just have to install python using yum and use it in container

🔹And write a python file and save it.

🔹And run it in the command line . You can see the output …

Thanks for reading the blog😊

